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Local Saturday

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A quiet, rain-soaked Saturday morning. Quiet house. Horses slogging through the soft turf outside the front window and outside the back window.

Grade 3 winner Eagle Poise enjoying it the most, old ankles hinder movement on hard ground, on soft ground, he spins and wheels like a bird let out of its cage. I climbed back aboard last week, I hadn’t ridden since last fall, when my neck blew out. It’s still the same to me – I miss riding a nice horse and I don’t miss riding the rest. Eagle Poise is a nice horse, we think alike, we react alike, we get along. To me, it doesn’t matter if he’s fresh, cranky, lazy, tired, I feel the same way. 

Racing up the road at Glenwood Park, my local track. Tricky Hat returning for a maiden hurdle. A nine-race card showing the interest and enthusiasm for steeplechasing, also, showing the continued lack of opportunity. A full card of horses on the also-eligible list and that’s after splitting the maiden (thank you). Nobody’s fault, specifically, just an issue for a sport with a ceiling.

Tricky day to watch racing as I’ll be at Virginia Fall races with an eye (phone) on Belmont Park, Keeneland, Delaware Park and other high-octane cards. Rain expected all day, we actually had the audacity to lament the conditions surrounding our Saturday afternoon tailgate in the country. It didn’t last long as we brought up Haiti and other places hard hit by the hurricane.

Charles Town offers its big night tonight. It’s on the schedule, although, after standing in the rain all day, it might be written off the schedule.